Photo-optical analysis with identification of metallic luminous and non-luminous particles by means of stereomicroscope
- Preparation of the test specification
- Classification of particles by class of size as per VDA 19.1 / ISO 16232
- Display of the 2 largest metallic luminous particles or non-luminous particles
- For the evaluation of particle traps: Additional evaluation of the cleanliness value (Illig value)
- Documentation of the findings
- Preparation of a test report
- Archiving of the sampled particle trap/particle stamp in the in-house archive
Application option
Microscopic evaluation from 25 μm particle size
- All particle traps & particle stamps, white Ø 41-47 mm (Art. No. 30001 / 30006 / 30007)
- Particle traps & particle stamps, sterile white Ø 41 mm (Art. No. 30038 / 30039 / 30039 / 30041)